无论是半成品、车削零件、机床还是金属刀具,高效的防腐蚀保护都是工业生产过程中的重要环节。得益于在防腐蚀保护领域的持续研究与开发,MOTOREX 多年来积累了大量知识。由此取得显著的技术优势,例如不含 VOC 的防腐剂。INTACT 产品也是与金属加工行业密切合作的成果。如果对防腐蚀保护重视不足,产品质量将明显受到影响,废品率也会显著提高。产品、机器和刀具发生不可修复的损坏的情况也屡见不鲜。任何企业都无法承受这样的损失。依靠 MOTOREX 的合理建议和防腐蚀产品,您的企业会始终安全无虞!
The professional mixing and maintenance system for industry allows water-miscible coolants, cutting oils and grinding oils to be reliably monitored and processes to therefore be safeguarded. Because, like we always say: the right solution for every application. Now, as a solution provider, we can provide you with all the support you need. The FLUIDLYNX monitoring system protects your employees, workpieces and production machinery and ensures verifiable and traceable process security. All devices are developed and produced in Switzerland – for our customers worldwide.
Design of the FLUIDLYNX solution and solution project planning
At the customer's premises, including acceptance
Lifelong support and service agreements
FLUIDLYNX, FLUIDLYNX COOLANT (water-miscible coolants) and FLUIDLYNX NEATOIL BOX (cutting and grinding oils)
Osmosis systems, oil supplies, mixers, fittings, pipes, etc.
Water-miscible coolants and cutting and grinding oils
The equipment is suitable for use with individual production machines or your company's entire production system, ensuring automatic regulation and monitoring of your process in which water-miscible coolants or cutting and grinding oils are used. The solution provides 24/7 measurement and circulation where needed.