得益于高山系列极其广泛的产品组合,高山基础设施的所有润滑需求都能得到满足。润滑操作与维护所需的所有产品相互协调,并可一站式采购。这不仅有助于高效采购,大大简化了物流流程,而且还支持负责任地使用自然资源。我们的产品为保护环境而设计,并使用可生物降解的成分来促进与自然和谐共生。有力的支持和建议以及分析服务非常重要。如果客户正在寻找满足其润滑技术要求的可持续发展解决方案,则可信赖 MOTOREX。
If you’re one to seek out challenges, you need a strong and reliable partner. MOTOREX will support you in all matters relating to lubricating and operating fluids.
Our field staff provide an on-site consultation service and can advise you on the best solutions for existing technical requirements. A customer-focused approach and regular, close contact are vital parts of a smooth operation.
If you have any technical questions or issues, our Technical Customer Service team is happy to help, over the phone or via email.
We provide our customers with an oil analysis service which helps lengthen the service life of machines and liquids, as well as detect problems early on.
On request, we can create and update an individual lubrication plan for our customers’ entire operation. Download your standardised lubrication schedules for your snow groomers: Pistenbully / Prinoth