Christoph Sauser steht nun in der eigenen Kaffestube in Leysin - doch der heute der 47-jährige hat eine steile Bike-Karriere hinter sich. Er kennt die Passagen des Grand Raid BCVS seit er 15 Jahre ist. Hier verrät er seine besten Tipps.
Sauser: "I am Christoph Sauser and originally I am from Sigriswil (Canton of Berne) but now, welcome to HORIZONTE COFFEE ROASTERS in Leysin – that’s what I do now. It is a new challenge but my big challenge was hunting titles and fortunately that I won 4x the World Championship and also an Olympic medal, 5x Cape Epic. But my biggest achievement was that I have been consistent over many years. The GRAND RAID was totally my first race when I was 15. I even faked my age that I could start. It was a very big challenge starting from Hérémence in that age. I still have a picture riding just in a normal t-shirt without pockets. Luckily towards Eison I found 2-3 farmer bars on the ground so I was super happy to find something to eat.
For the Grand Raid, here's what I want you to take away:"
Sauser: "Then after cleaning my bike I really deserve a good beer and maybe a raclette. The GRAND RAID is the mother of marathon racing. It brings you through many passages, many highs and lows. Everybody who finishes it is a hero. You can be so proud of yourself trying and I am sure if you finish it you will be always happy no matter what."