Frost, dirt and de-icing salt can have a major impact on vintage cars if they are driven in winter. It is therefore a good idea to give them a well-deserved break until warmer weather comes around again. Storing a vintage car properly protects it and ensures it can hit the road again without any problems in spring. Read more about what you can do yourself and what should better be left to the professionals.


There are countless tips and tricks for optimal winter storage. Listed below are some of the most important steps for increasing the functionality, value retention and service life of your vintage car. In addition to thorough cleaning of the vehicle, various points have to be checked, lubricated and protected. A covered, well-ventilated storage location with a constant temperature (frost-free) is essential. Furthermore, a power connection allows the use of a dehumidifier and a float charger for the battery.

Before going into hibernation, a vintage car has to be given a thorough clean both inside and out. Dust and dirt gets into every nook and cranny in the vehicle during use. Hand washing using biodegradable WASH & PEARL results in a long-lasting shine and beading effect. Don’t forget the wheel arches and housings, corners, joints, door edges and drainage channels. In the event of heavy soiling, an underbody wash at the workshop can be a good idea. Dirt on steel and alloy rims is usually extremely stubborn. Gentle, simple cleaning is ensured with the biodegradable, acid-free WHEEL CLEANER, which is also an ideal solution for spoked wheels. An absorbent leather or microfibre cloth can be used for drying off the vehicle completely. This means that there is no moisture trapped underneath the covers during winter. Moving on to the interior of the vintage car, which is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner and a damp sponge or cloth. Leather seats should then be treated with a suitable leather cleaner to ensure they remain supple. A large brush can help to remove dust and dirt easily from edges and ventilation grilles. Next up, it’s time to ensure a perfect view. A glass cleaner with active foam is recommended so that the liquid doesn’t drip onto sensitive surfaces. Professionals use the biodegradable GLASS CLEANER FOAM with its pleasant citrus smell.



An oil change should always be carried out before winter storage. This protects sensitive components from corrosion, such as single-layer bearings made of non-ferrous metal in the engine. In the workshop, a mechanic can also grease all the necessary points on the car with the help of a lifting platform. This prevents moisture penetration during storage. OIL SPRAY BIO is the perfect solution for lubricating all moving parts, such as hinges, latches and locks. As we are sure you have guessed, this product is also biodegradable. It lubricates, protects against corrosion and leaves behind a colourless, thin, protective film. The spray can also be used upside down without any problems. Rubber seals around the doors and boot require special attention. Applying SILICONE SPRAY ensures the seals remain supple for years, provided they are kept dry and clean. Silicone should never come in contact with painted parts. Cleaned battery poles and terminals can be protected against oxidation in a matter of seconds with the ACCU PROTECT SPRAY. This ensures the on-board electric system works correctly.

Measures for preserving vintage cars are particularly worthwhile as many of their parts are extremely rare. Anyone lucky enough to own a convertible knows that a dirt and water-repellent convertible top is essential. The ideal time to impregnate the dry, clean top is after the final car wash at the end of summer. PROTEX is a highly effective, invisible textile and leather waterproofing spray. It not only protects against moisture and oil, but also prevents dirt from adhering to the surface. The fabric remains breathable. PROTEX is simply sprayed onto the closed top. When stored for longer periods, convertibles should always have the top up.


MOTO PROTECT is used for taking care of and preserving chrome and other high-quality surface finishes. To ensure protection when stored for longer periods, the spray should be left to work for a short time before wiping off with a soft microfibre cloth. The moisture-repellent, biodegradable protective spray forms a thin oil film. Bleached colours and plastics such as those found in the engine room are restored to their original colour and finish. MOTO PROTECT is a real all-rounder and an essential part of any vintage car garage.

The last trip before storage takes us to the petrol station. The vehicle should be warmed up properly (high temperature) during dry weather. Before filling up, add the FUEL STABILIZER fuel additive (for petrol and diesel engines). This prevents fuel oxidation, binds water and protects the entire system against corrosion – with guaranteed success.

Checkliste Einwintern

Arbeit Zu beachten Produkt Biologisch abbaubar DIY Werkstatt
Fahrzeug waschen Vorwaschen – Aufweichen des Schmutzes – sanfte Handwäsche



Unterbodenwäsche Bei starker Verschmutzung – ggf. Ausbessern Unterbodenschutz      
Innenreinigung Einlagebodenteppiche entfernen – Verdeck imprägnieren PROTEX    
Türdichtungen / Gummiteile Silikon auf Lappen sprühen und Dichtungen einreiben SILICONE SPRAY    
Scharniere /
bewegliche Teile
Funktionsverbesserung durch Schmieren und Bewegen OIL SPRAY BIO  
Chrom / edle Oberflächen Farbtiefe und Glanz für ausgeblichene Farben und Kunststoffe MOTO PROTECT  
Ölwechsel Motor Vorteilhaft immer vor dem Einwintern      
Schmierdienst Schmiernippel vor dem Aufsetzen der Fettpresse reinigen    
Bremsflüssigkeit Wechsel vor dem Einwintern oder min. alle 2 Jahre      
Kühlerschutz Kontrolle Frostschutz, Füllstand und Alter      
Scheibenreiniger Auffüllen mit WIPE & CLEAN WINTER – Gefrierschutz bis -22° GLASS CLEANER FOAM  
Batterie / Pole / Klemmen Batterieklemmen abschliessen – Schwebeladung anschliessen oder Batterie alle 2 Monate laden / ggf. frostsichere Innenlagerung ACCU PROTECT    
Kraftstoff auffüllen Vor dem Volltanken Additiv Zugeben FUEL STABILIZER    
Reifendruck erhöhen Druck je nach Reifenart auf ca. 3 bar anheben – oder Fzg. aufbocken – Handbremse nicht anziehen – ggf. Fahrzeug mit Keil sichern      
Abdecken Fenster einen spaltbreit (3 cm) offenlassen und Fzg. mit weichem Paletot oder dünnem Baumwolltuch abdecken      

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